
REST API Naming Conventions

1. Do not use slash(/) at the last character of the URI
http://localhost:8080/user-authorization/users/   /* Don't */
http://localhost:8080/user-authorization/users   /* Do */

2. Use hypens (-), use lowercase letters, do not use underscore (_), do not use file extension
http://localhost:8080/userAuthorization/homeButtons          /* Don't */
http://localhost:8080/user_authorization/home_buttons        /* Don't */
http://localhost:8080/USER-AUTHORIZATION/HOME_BUTTONS        /* Don't */
http://localhost:8080/user-authorization/home-buttons.xml    /* Don't. if you want to show media type, use Content-Type header */

http://localhost:8080/user-authorization/home-buttons        /* Do */

3.If you have a hierarchical relation (like user's buttons, user's sidebar buttons) then divide this relation by using slash.
http://localhost:8080/users-buttons                /* Don't */
http://localhost:8080/users-sidebar-buttons/{id}   /* Don't */

http://localhost:8080/users/{id}/buttons            /* Do */
http://localhost:8080/users/{id}/sidebar-buttons    /* Do */     

4. Example for returning collection or a singular object:
http://localhost:8080/user-authorization/cards         /* Use this if you will return a collection of card */
http://localhost:8080/user-authorization/cards/{id}    /* Use this if only the given card will return  */

5. Do not use crud function names like get, delete, update, create.
HTTP request methods (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE) should indicate the type of the function.
/* Get given user's cards */
HTTP GET http://localhost:8080/users/{id}/cards   

/* Get given user's card for given id */
HTTP GET http://localhost:8080/users/{id}/cards/{id}  

/* create card for given user */
HTTP POST http://localhost:8080/users/{id}/cards

/* Update card for given user */
HTTP PUT http://localhost:8080/users/{id}/cards/{id}  

/* Delete card for given user */
HTTP DELETE http://localhost:8080/users/{id}/cards/{id}  

6. If you need parameters like sorting, filtering, limiting then use query parameters.

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