
How to check for the existence of undeclared variable in js

You can check for the existence of undeclared variable in javascript without getting ReferenceError:
if (x !== undefined){} // gets error if x undeclared
if (x !== 'undefined'){} // gets error if x undeclared
if (typeof x !== undefined){} // gets error because typeof x returns "undefined"

if (typeof x !== 'undefined'){} //right one


How to learn which vendor / version is using in jsf webapp? (MyFaces or Mojarra)

You can run the following code fragment in your application:
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;

System.out.println("imp title: " + FacesContext.class.getPackage().getImplementationTitle());
System.out.println("impl vendor " + FacesContext.class.getPackage().getImplementationVendor());
System.out.println("imp version: " + FacesContext.class.getPackage().getImplementationVersion());
Sample output:

imp title: Apache MyFaces JSF-2.2 Core API
impl vendor The Apache Software Foundation
imp version: 2.2.11

Dynamically calling a class - method in java by using reflection

Dynamically call a method on a dynamically given class by using reflection:
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

try {
       String myClassName = "";
       String myMethodName = "exampleMethod";

       Class<?> myClassRef = Class.forName(myClassName);
       Object instanceOfMyClass = myClassRef.newInstance();
       //my object input types in order: param1(int), param2(String), param3(MyDTO), param4(List<MyDTO>)
       Method method = myClassRef.getDeclaredMethod(myMethodName, int.class, String.class, MyDTO.class, List.class);
       MyResult respoonse = (MyResult) method.invoke(instanceOfMyClass, param1, param2, param3, param4);
       System.out.println("response" + response.getX());

} catch(Exception e) {

Hint: shaking problems in Safari

Container has been shaking chidren on safari. However in chrome, ie, firefox it works well.

Dynamically height calculation shakes children on safari.
Check for any dynamically calculation for height. Then try to give "position: fixed" or try to avoid giving height dynamically.